Autonomy has been released — are you ready?

Tricordant Ltd
2 min readSep 2, 2020

Our 1 minute read series — designed to inspire and help develop your leadership.

Alastair Mitchell-Baker, Director of Tricordant Ltd

The paradox of today is that lack of autonomy in one area of our lives (freedom to move) has led to greater autonomy in other areas (work from home and scheduling).

In our previous webinar series, we’ve repeatedly heard how organisations have improvised at pace to sustain business operations. Countless stories of remarkable resourcefulness. Core staff being trusted to “find the right way” to serve their patients, customers and clients.

This is good news — yes?

Autonomy is a core need for us all at work. The SCARF model by David Rock explains this clearly — check it out. Many leaders are loving and embracing this release of autonomy. Others are tolerating it. Some find it unnerving and are seeking to tighten their grip and micromanage virtually.

Are you clear where you stand regarding autonomy and how you plan to work with it?

These ‘Tensions of Trust’ hint at a polarity of control and freedom playing out in organisational life. We need both. The conundrum is how? As a client said, “it’s all about trust and being trusted.”

Will the ‘trust’ genie be put back in the bottle?

Our minute is up; the next article in this series will build on this subject and the learning from our webinars.

For more information in the meantime, head over to our website



Tricordant Ltd

Leaders contend with a headwind of challenges. Tricordant consultants help you and your people deliver lasting success.