Overcoming a limp in your leadership

Tricordant Ltd
2 min readOct 15, 2020
Alastair Mitchell-Baker, Director at Tricordant Ltd

‘How are you building trust in your organisation?’ was where I finished last time; let me develop this.

In recent days we have seen, playing out on the national stage, how the actions of people who are perceived as role models can influence trust.

Leadership by definition is about influence.

The shadow that we cast for other people. For better, for worse. We are inevitably role models for those around us, and especially those we lead.

This is a great privilege but can be uncomfortable.

Actually, very uncomfortable when we get it wrong. But there is nothing that says we have to pretend that we’re role models who get everything right all the time. Admitting our mistakes and flaws, even our brokenness, is not a sign of weakness. It’s humility, authenticity.

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” — according to John C. Maxwell.

Dan Allender describes this as ‘leadership with a limp’. He even argues that your biggest weakness can be your greatest strength. It forces you to reach out to those around you and authentically ask for their support and help. Your weakness gets covered and you build stronger relationships and … yes of course, trust.

So the question I’m asking myself today and I ask you is — ‘what’s your limp as a leader?’

In your reflection if you recognise a need for some support to talk things through please get in touch.

Schedule a time to speak here.




Tricordant Ltd

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