To thine own self be true

Tricordant Ltd
2 min readNov 11, 2020
Alastair Mitchell-Baker, Director at Tricordant Ltd

So last time I talked about what have you learned about yourself in your leadership journey so far?

How well have you been able to do that critical work of growing in self awareness? Critical work that prepares you to be a better leader.

As Shakespeare’s Polonius said in Hamlet, “This above all: To thine own self be true.”

But what if we don’t really know who our ‘own self’ is?

Knowing ourselves and being comfortable in who we are, including our wounds, our brokenness and general idiosyncrasies, creates the space for others to be themselves. I’d encourage you to dust off those psychometric tests, be brave and seek out feedback, perhaps even consider finding a good coach, taking up journaling or book some retreat time.

Find what works for you. But whatever you do, do the work of self-awareness!

We’re all different. How do you take information in and process it? Do you see big pictures and patterns or important detail? Learn — by reading, listening, questioning or experiencing? Get energy from being with others or your ‘cave time’? Communicate — with logic and/or emotion? Plan or just let it emerge?

Be clear who you are in all your wonderful diversity and difference. Valuable and ready to serve.

And ready to adapt to meet the needs of those around.

Let me share something about myself. It wasn’t until I did the MBTI test for the second or third time that I realised, and owned, I was what they call a ‘pressure prompted planner.’ Of course I’m a logical planner but at the last minute, maybe on only on the way to a big workshop would I work out what we were going to. Worked for me. But a nightmare for colleagues who liked to ‘have their ducks in a row’. I realised I had to change my behaviour to allow others to give of their best.

So my question is what have you have you done with what you have learned about yourself?



Schedule a time to speak with Alastair.



Tricordant Ltd

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