Will I really?

Tricordant Ltd
2 min readOct 21, 2020
Alastair Mitchell-Baker, Director at Tricordant Ltd

We are arguably in one of the greatest periods of pressure uncertainty and ambiguity for leaders since the last World war. I have been involved in some conversations recently about how we best offer opportunities for leaders to pause, reflect and learn from the last few months. The first question was will they do it?

Will really busy pressurised managers and leaders, still faced with a myriad of difficult decisions, be prepared to stop and reflect?

‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’ As Churchill (mis)quoted) George Santayana.

Given that we’re still in the midst of this time of testing — and there’s no sign of things getting straight forward in the coming months, will they ever again; surely we need to take a moment to reflect on what’s happened so far for us as individual leaders, our teams and wider organisations?

Ancient traditions have built on practices of daily asking questions. What has happened? How did we feel? What were we thinking? What did we learn? What might we do better tomorrow?

And crucially, I would add, a moment to forgive others and ourselves. To close the door on one day and be ready for tomorrow and all that it might bring.

Some of us naturally reflect well on our own; or, like me, need the structure and discipline others bring. We may need some supportive process like journaling.

However we reflect, we have first got to recognise the need. Even in the middle of the action.

I encourage you to reflect today on reflection. Do you value it? What helps you?

In your reflection if you recognise a need for some support to talk things through please get in touch.

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Tricordant Ltd

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